Changes to Our Store

When Tara Maya and I first set up our on-line Shopify store, we had no idea what we were doing (and some would say, we still don't). One of the things we tried out was to start a blog or a post that would allow us to communicate what books we were working on, what some of our other contributors were working on, and so forth.

We got two posts done...and promptly lost them! They were somewhere in the convoluted menus, directories, nebulous cloudlike things that permeate the internet.

Finally, our cyber expert took a look at the site and said, "Here they are. You need to link them to your home page. Gee, how do either of you find your way out of bed each morning?"

So, as you can see, the blog page is now linked to our home page and menu bar.

I hope this is a feature that will help you in the future.





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